This recipe has no eggs or milk!
- 800g of all purpose flour
- 1t sp vanilla
- 10gr baking powder
- 1tsp baking soda
- 250ml thyme honey
- 1 Tbsp cinnamon
- 200ml oil ( I used olive oil)
- 150γρ freshly squeezed orange juice
- 1 Tbsp orange zest
- Beat the honey with the oil well with a hand held mixer. Dilute the soda in the orange juice and add it to the mixture. (It will fizz up so make sure you do it over the bowl!)
- Add the vanilla, cinnamon and orange zest and mix well until combined.
- Mix the baking powder with the flour and sift it in slowly. As soon as you mix in half the flour, remove the mixer and knead the dough by hand adding the rest of the flour in gradually.
- Your dough must be soft and mustn’t stick to your hands.
- Make your cookies into any shape you want and bake them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius for 15 minutes or until golden on top!